2018年10月26日,美国东北大学公共政策与城市事务学院院长Jennie Stephens教授来我中心做名为《Renewable Transformation for Societal Resilience》的报告。Stephens教授在报告中详细介绍了美国可再生能源转型、社会韧性、全球气候变化、政策研究以及案例。报告会持续了2个小时,期间Stephens教授和中心老师学生进行了热烈的讨论,学术报告取得圆满成功。
Jennie C. Stephens, PhD
Director, School of Public Policy & Urban Affairs
Dean’s Professor of Sustainability Science & Policy
Director for Strategic Research Collaborations, Global Resilience Institute
Throughout the world, energy systems are transforming to more renewable-based configurations with sophisticated smart grid networks constituting a large-scale socio-technical transition. Beyond reducing fossil fuel combustion for climate mitigation, this transformation involves large potential for social and political changes related to more distributed and decentralized power. This research explores connections between energy technology infrastructure changes and social and political changes in the United States and beyond. The presentation will emphasize multiple societal benefits of the renewable transformation including strengthening societal and community resilience.