

发布时间:2018/09/06 01:46:53 点击量: 423

Chengwei Li

Doctor Candidate

Fudan University (F.D.U.)

2005 Songhu Road., Yangpu District, Shanghai,China

Phone: +86-18621916134

Email:  18110740047@fudan.edu.cn                               

Personal Details:

Date of birth : 1992

Sex : Male

Nationality : China

Language : Chinese, English


Degree    College/University                  Year                Subjects

M.Sc        Shanghai Ocean University      2015-2018   Ecology

B.Sc.        Shandong Agricultural University 2010-2014    Horticulture

Scholarships and awards

The social contribution and recreation and sports individual awards in undergraduate period

Awarded the third national scholarship in postgraduate period


Computers /Statistical analysis:

Internet, Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, IBM SPSS Statistics 20, Origin 8.0, Fragstats 3.3, ArcGIS 10.2 (basic application)


The 6rd national conference on "Marine Ecology" held at Shanghai Ocean university from 14-16 October, 2016.

The Seminar on “Sustainable development and use of marine resources” among these marine institutes from Japan, Korean and China organized by Shanghai Ocean University, in November, 2017.



Chengwei Li, Yandong Tao, Meng Zhao, Kefeng Yu, Shubo Fang. Soil characteristics and their potential thresholds associated with Scirpus mariqueter distribution on a reclaimed wetland coast. Journal of Coastal Conservation.3th May, 2018.https://doi.org/10.1007/s11852-018-0618-9


Chengwei Li, Meng Zhao, Yandong Tao, Shengcai Zhong, Shubo Fang. Interaction of vegetation-soil system and response to spatial differentiation of sedimentation in coastal wetlands. Chinese Jouranl of Ecology.2018,37(11):1-.  



Qingteng Qian, Chengwei Li, Meng Zhao, Shubo Fang. Identification of the critical coastal conservation areas with ecological significance based on Pb stable isotope signatures analysis. Chinese Journal of Applied Ecology.



Zhao Meng , Yin Chunsheng , Li Chengwei , Zhong Shengcai , Yu Kefeng , Fang Shubo. Using Miseq sequencing to analyze seasonal soil microbial community dynamics onreclaimed Scirpus mariqueter coastal wetlands. Journal of Shanghai OceanUniversity.  http://kns.cnki.net/kcms/detail/31.2024.S.20180607.1314.018.html


National Utility Model Patent

Yandong Tao, Chengwei Li, Pingzhen Ding. A Safe and Efficient Screen Device. [P]. Chinese patent:  CN205128369U, 2016-04-06.


Yandong Tao, Chengwei Li, Pingzhen Ding. A installation by monitoring growth status of alga. [P]. Chinese patent:  CN205124620U

, 2016-04-06.


Fiction reading, movies and playing basketball.


Area of Research Interest

Urban ecology ,Environmental assessment , Ecological service

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