
2015WWF-Fudan University Linked Project “中国气候变化韧性城市发展研究”

发布时间:2017/06/19 01:20:12 点击量: 195


     The jointed project titled on Climate Change and Development Strategies for Resilient City of China is carried out by WWF and Fudan University in 2015. It aims to evaluate the ability typical cities of China respond climate change on the basis of the latest researches on climate change adaptation at both home and overseas, and strengthen the urban resilient policy and technical support, as well as provide with the suggestions to the relevant government department.


                                     图2 上海在全球温度上升4℃和2℃下被海水淹没区域模拟



图1 气候变暖下全球因海平面上升受威胁区域人口分布        图3 上海滩涂湿地生态系统中三种湿地的韧性等级分布图


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